Now I am back at work. I have decided I hate customer service. Actually, I just dislike stupid people, who ask inane questions. Maybe it isn't stupid to walk into a grocery store and ask someone at the bakery counter "What do you have here that a diabetic should eat?". My response instead of an annoyed sigh, should have been "you need to consult your doctor or nutritionist, I am not qualified to dispense nutritional advice". I'll have to remember that. Then there was the customer with the 30 minute cake consult, she wanted to taste different cakes, even though she said she had tasted them all before and knew which one she wanted. Then she decided she wanted a strawberry and cream cake, with out the strawberries, but she wanted us to dye the whipped cream different colors. She didn't seem to grasp that wasn't going to work very well. Then there was the color explanation. Folks just don't understand. All natural plant based red does not come out red. No matter how much red color you add, it will still be pink, not bright red.
Anyway, today we had at company picnic, as sponsored by out cheapskate store team leader. They had trivia questions, and the prizes were $10 gift cards, FROM OUR STORE!!!!!!! Like he couldn't spring for gc's from like Borders, or B&N, or Target or something? Or if they had to be from our store, maybe for more money than ten bucks? That will pay for lunch, barely. And he wonders why the team members think he's a loser. Sheesh! Oh, I won two gift cards. What will I do with my 20 bucks? Two gas cards would have been sweet!
Well vacation was great. Got a little knitting done, but no pics of the knitting. Just finished one of my no purl monkey socks, and immediately cast on the second sock. It's knits really fast, so I could be debating who the reciepient is by the end of next week!!!! I seem to be running about 1 week per sock.
Did work on cph, have gotten up to the arm holes on the back, and ready to bind off on the front panels. What a neat sweater. Took it to the eastern shore and got quite a bit of work done. We went to Jane's Island State Park for a week. Five days of eating crabs for dinner, and being eaten for dinner by dozens of mosquitoes and bitting flies. It was great!!! Gotta love that deep woods Off. If only they could make is smell better.
This is what we saw when we sat in front of the fire each evening.

This is what I woke to each morning. TLG (the little general) starting the fire for breakfast.

We did the whole touristy thing. The museums, and other strange places. Janes Island is near Chrisfield, MD (like 2 miles away). Chrisfield calls itself the Seafood Capitol of the World. Major Maryland crab and oyster processing town. Very quiet.
We also visited Princess Anne, nice town, lots of historic victorian houses.

Did I mention the canoe?

Then I returned home, where I slept and read for a week. My sister (the other one) did manage to drag me off to the beach, where her daughter got caught in the rip tide, and when her father swam out to rescue her, they both had to be rescued. Thank heaven for surfers, bless all four of 'em. They went out and bought them back. Totally cool.
I did go back to the beach, but I didn't spend much time on the sand, or in the water. It was nice anyway.
Enough for now. Must sleep :-)