Let me preface this by saying that I am not giving in to bribery or coersion.
I am far above all that (she sniffs haughtily).
Here are pre-felt pictures of my Noni bag (a gift from Wierdling).
I think I'm afraid to shrink it. What if it shrinks too much????? I decided to use the washer in the laundry room in my building, which should work fine, especially if I stand there with it. Also, I don't want to mess up any of my friends' washers doing this. I'm going to felt both bags, and my tote exchange buddy's bag is made from lamb's pride mohair/wool yarn. It's very fuzzy and sheds a bit during felting.
I should finish the pocket tonight (about 2 inches away from finishing now - thats about 6 rows). Of course, this is no longer a suprise to my pal 'cause she is the intrepid sort and has already figured out who I am :-)
I'm loving both bags. Mine will be cute and petite *sigh*.
Hers will be honkin' huge!!!!! I think the next time I make this bag, I'll make the smaller version.
The good thing about hers, straps are made with the bag.
The frustrating/fun thing about mine, must find handles!!!!! I found the cutest pair last week, but I figured the black with white polka dots would not go with the pink and black striped bag (bummer). I think it's going to be either really cute bamboo or plain black. I can't find any pretty pink handles *waaaaaaahhhh*.
I've decided to hunt for a paler pink cascade 220 (yarn shopping, such a hardship :-) to make a lighter flower 'cause the purple won't cut it, and I think the bag is cryin' out for more than two flowers, 'cause I'm sure you know how it is when you learn how to do something new, you just go crazy and I went bonkers for flowers. I may make purses for family and friends for christmas and I think the purple flower will go on one of those.
Okay, tomorrow I take the plunge and finally felt it.
Alright Justine, where's my chocolate!!!!!! And that goes for you too Shelby:-)
VERY NICE BAGS!! Can't wait to see them finished.
Oh Kathy swit-swoo! (That's my written version of the sexy whistle.) Those are beeeeautiful! May I have one? Just kidding. Ok, not really but I can't wait to see the finished project. It is a leap of faith to felt, isn't it? I did a bit of checking and came up with this site for handles...
Let me know what you think.
I think the bags will turn out fine...if they shrink too much you can always use it for a dish cozy. That's what happened to the french market bag I knit for my mom. I just knit it too loose and then let it go in the washer too long, but boy does it make a wonderful pot luck dish cozy. I will have to get her to take a picture of it so that I can post it.
And is there anything wrong with being a Robb fan?
Awww - you're the Queen of Bag Knitters, that's for sure! They both look totally awesome and mind you, I so can't wait to see them finished after the felting, in all their glory!
The evil plan comes together and for that, I WILL give you chocolate! Gonna post the package tomorrow... feh!
PICS and more PICS!
Yea!!!! Chocolate! May I say I just finished a ginormous coffee mug filled with chocolate bundt cake with chocolate chips, swimming in vanilla soy milk. yummmmmmmm!
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