Friday, May 08, 2009

mdsw, and other stuff

Well, it's hard to believe it has been almost two months since my last post.  Wow, where has the time gone.  

The biker boy cardi is done and currently adorning my nephew as he heads off to see Star Trek.  

I did the sheep and wool thing with K and we had a blast!  She bought lots of yarn.  She found yarn for me to buy :-)  We ate lots of great food.  We saw lots of cool stuff!

I have survived the great flood and am still throwing out stuff as i find it.  Just tossed probably $200 worth of books yesterday.  I didn't open the boxes except to see that the books I thought had kept dry, were soaked and were now blue.  I didn't check to see what they were.  At this point it didn't matter.  They were a total loss.  My next think is to take all the stuff that belongs to my sister that is sitting here, probably contributing to my clogged sinuses, and dump it in the garage.  If she wants to go through it, she can do it there.

She gave me some news that didn's suprise me, so I don't know why it suprised her.  Her daughter is 17, 5'4" tall, and weighs about 280lbs.  Her pediatrician told my sister that her cholesteral is extremely high.  This should be a suprise?  My sister is in denial.  

Anyway, I should talk.  I am going to spend more time planning my meals for work.  The stuff there has been making me sick lately.  

Anyway, I am finishing the red sweater.  It's been 4 years now, it's time to put this to bed.  It's actually not that hard, the pattern is fairly easy.  I picked up with the intention of possibly frogging it, then I noticed the stitch markers and decided to give it a shot again.  So, we'll see.

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