Well, I think it's time to revive the old blog. If only to remind myself of progress. And there has been progress. 33lbs of progress!!! That is my official total of pounds lost following the Eat to Live plan. The last few weeks have been hard, in part because I haven't been sticking to the "no food after 8pm" rule, but now I am back on track. Fixing lunches to save money ($12 to $17 per day on salads???? INSANE!!!!!) and control portion sizes and cravings. I will get back to cooking this week, too. Right now I am eating a salad with pomegranate vinaigrette. I had butternut and cauliflower chowder and a sandwich for lunch. The sandwich was arugula, cukes, roasted red pepper and a sort of edamame/mint/walnut pate all on ezekiel bread. Still debating about the pate, it seemed a little strange. The chowder didn't have the body of a more traditional chowder, seemed a little thin, but the flavor was better the second day.
On the knitting front, finished the socks for T. Finally! She chose the yarn, and the pattern. How could I say no? So now the socks can be handed off to Miss T when she comes home Friday afternoon. She doesn't seem to be adjusting to college life very well, but I guess it will take time.
I am making progress on the coworker's baby sweater. Glad I made the 6mo to 1 year size :-)
My next project will probably be the French Press Felted Slippers. I need something for cold tootsies. I have some lovely stuff in the stash that I can use (red, gold, or grey......hmmmmm.....). It should be a pretty quick knit.