Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Sometimes, it's all about the swag.....

.....and sometimes it's about the accomplishment.

Today, in my 5k training program, we received our t-shirts. The excuse I gave myself for attending was the shirt distribution. Actually, it was so I could get my run in. I enjoy running. I enjoy running with others. I don't stop, even when I want to, because I know I got this. I can do it. It's hard. I'm not the speediest, but I will go the duration and complete the task I have assigned myself.

Today, I fell. I wanted to stop after that. My knee was sore. I bit my lip and it was swollen and bleeding. I was embarrassed, mortified.  The coach running with me asked if I was okay, asked about my knees, pointed out where I was bleeding, made sure I drank some water, then asked if I wanted to run. My answer was no.  She walked with me for a minute, then said she was going to run. I walked behind her for a minute, then recommenced my usual shuffle/run.  We completed the 3.1 miles. Aside from my brief walk, I ran the entire time.

I now know I can do this, since I have already done it once.  I won't be the fastest, but I will finish, and I will do my best.  My time to beat is 50 minutes.

I got this.

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