Lovely blue, isn't it. Shakespeare from Artful Yarns. Never heard of it, but I will buy it again. Made in Italy. Yummy. Soft and a little fragile. But not as bad to work with as the yarn shop lady warned. It is getting a little hard to deal with because it's hot in here and my hands are getting a little sweaty. Actually it's not hot, but my hands are getting a little sweaty.
I feel quite virtuous because I passed on Alchemy silk and wool yarn at 50% off. Or maybe I am lightheaded because I just lost my mind. 50% off!!!! Sheesh! What was I thinking!!!
Wow, these socks are coming along beautifully! I so love the yarn you're using, it looks exactly as perfect as you described it, and the colors are fantastic! Looking forward to seeing the pics of the finished socks! Happy Knitting!
Dipsy D.
I love these socks - I kind of have this little, um, sock fetish...Thanks for your comment on my sticth markers - though these are my first, I was thinking I should try to dream up a tutorial or something - so easy! And hard to find charming markers on the cheap!
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