Feast your eyes. Here they are in all their variegated glory. No, I don't know what kind of yarn it is, just that it is soft and lovely. A little darker than I have been buying lately, but love it anyway.

Who are they for? Why me, of course. I have discovered the joy of making things por moi.

They are toe-up ('cause I just love the toe-up thing, makes the socks go easier), short row toe and heel ('cause I love the short row thing, too), and the bind-off was this super elastic thing I found in one of my sock books (m-1 every other stitch). Now they fit over my heels, and stay up just fine :-)
Finished them off during the NCIS marathon. Super easy (I say that after ripping back two rows with fingering wt yarn and size 1 needles, twice per sock!!!!!!).
Now that I know I need a little looser bind-off, I will definitely make them again.
1 comment:
very nice, i like the no purl variation!
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