Thursday, September 04, 2008

A very short and pictureless knitting rant :-)

I have started sleeves on the cph.  I really want to keep this for myself, but I told my sister I was making it for my niece.  
I finished a pair of socks (yea!!!)  it's that something or other waves socks on the cover of "favorite socks".  Unfortunately I can't get them on because I have to take out the last two rows and use a more elastic bind-off.  grrrrr, wanna wear 'em now!!!

1 comment:

Wierdlings said...

Hey Lady!

Show me the sweater! ::hehe:: I really like your pictures and you have been pictureless for a while. How are you doing and also.. I have been reading a TON of books!!! How about you?!?!?!

Drop me a line!
Your former SP10 pal.. wink wink