Okay, I have to go to work. Work sucks right now, but that's okay.
Actually it doesn't suck, there are just numerous challenges that need to be met.
And I have started Fantine, it's a French Girl pattern I picked up at Stitch DC. I went to the Chevy Chase location, which I think I like better than the Cap Hill location, even though it is very tiny. I am now kinda stuck on the short row shaping thing. Never done it and I think I am going to have to break down and go to a shop for advice. Oh, well. It's a beautiful color though, found a wonderful wine shade. Also, I think I am going to make it in several colors, to use up that yarn I bought on sale. Stash reduction, yea!!!!! Plus it knits quick, bulky yarn on size 17 needles. I would be finished by now, except for the short row shaping.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Happy Birthday Daddy

Today you would have been 72.
I still miss you.
I hear a song and think of you. I hear that laugh of yours. I hear you sing. I hear you give that funny call you used to give when you heard a song you really liked, or when you just felt really good. When I hear Moody's Mood, I can see you grab Mom and begin to sing as you danced her around the kitchen, while she shrieked with laughter.
I think of you when I watch a movie, and I wonder what you would say about it. I think of you when I watch your favorite movies, and I remember lying across your bed as you sat in your favorite chair, and I remember the conversations, and the silence of sharing.
I remember the hugs. I remember the games.
I remember the things you taught me and the fun we had in the teaching. The darkroom you built. The pictures we took. The time shared developing them. The 3 hour drives in search of good ice cream. The time you took me to see a horror movie and I had nightmares for weeks. The fun of the drive-in, where we watched so many movies and we all laughed, or screamed, and just enjoyed. How every outing was an adventure. How you made the little things special. You showed us the world and encouraged us to think.
You taught me to enjoy things, how often I now forget to do that.
For these things I thank you.
I love you.
And I miss you.
Happy Birthday.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
I admit it, I'm just a big ole kid. I want one, I want it now!!!! I want a wii!!! *sigh* But unfortunately, I don't know where to find one. And I am not paying $400 to $900 for a system that lists for only $250! Those people are nuts. I guess I'll just save my money until January, when they ship out more. I hate waiting *sigh*
Friday, December 08, 2006
to open, or not to open..........what, are you crazy!!!!
I recieved an email from my sp just yesterday, informing me that she had sent me
a package. She said it would arrive next week.
Well, wonder of wonders the post office put me out of my misery and send it early!
I looked at it for a moment and then opened it. I admired the pretty Christmas wrap and
thought "I should probably wait for Christmas to open this". I opened the card and
read that the theme for my gifts was "hand made". At that point I thought "Wait? Forget that!" and I ripped into each small pack.
I admired the lavender bubble bath, and thought thankful thoughts about Sabine for writting
the english translation on the back. Way cool! Can't wait to get into that one. I loooooove lavender.
I gleefully felt the bigger pack and after ripping it open (very neatly, my father would be proud)
donned my beautiful new wrist warmers. Love the sparkle and the color! Kitty loves them too!
I love the delicate and beautiful hand made stitch markers. How did she know I was thinking of
making some? The cat liked them too. They are now safely put away, out of kitty reach.
My favorite was the book. Didn't take exact pictures of it, but I will. She made me a knitting journal, complete with patterns, advice, and important notes on yarn, needles, sizing and yarn estimates. She put a lot of work into it, and I am almost hesitant to use it, it's so wonderful! But use it I shall, and I will think of her everytime. She even included one of her own sock patterns!!!! I am definitely going to make those! And use my new stitch markers to keep track!
There is also a hat pattern and clapotis, with room for notes!! I make copies of patterns and then loose them. This is the perfect little book to put in the patterns I use and my notes. Wonderful *sigh*
Sabine, thank you sooooo much! It's a wonderful gift and you totally rock!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
day 1 - Peppermint Tea
Today I started my Advent Calendar, the one I recieved from my sp.
Yes, I know it's late, but I claim illness fogged my brain. It was sitting right next to my
computer, but it didn't register that the first was time to start! I've never done an Advent
event before. This just puts me in the spirit of the holiday in a different way. With working in retail, I tend to focus on the whole sales aspect of it, not the meditative thankful aspects of it.
It's nice to be reminded to sit back and take a bit of a break.
So I just opened it and welcomed the aroma of peppermint. Yummm.
Thanks Sabine!
On the needles:
Well, the red and charcoal bag is done, but for the felting. Now that means I am 6 knitted
projects, and one check (niece needs cash for school trip to Canada, hope she knows this means
no present, or that this is her present) down, just 4 more to go. I think the Balloon Bag will be
too big for the younger niece, so I am making her the larger of these. It should be just small enough for a gameboy, a couple of games and a lip balm. That should be perfect. so far it's not
too big and I should be able to finish it today. Way cool! Pics to follow. I still need to find little patterns for things like caps and beanies. Just two more projects and my goal of finishing
knitted gifts for the bulk of the family will be reached!
Yes, I know it's late, but I claim illness fogged my brain. It was sitting right next to my
computer, but it didn't register that the first was time to start! I've never done an Advent
event before. This just puts me in the spirit of the holiday in a different way. With working in retail, I tend to focus on the whole sales aspect of it, not the meditative thankful aspects of it.
It's nice to be reminded to sit back and take a bit of a break.
So I just opened it and welcomed the aroma of peppermint. Yummm.
Thanks Sabine!
On the needles:
Well, the red and charcoal bag is done, but for the felting. Now that means I am 6 knitted
projects, and one check (niece needs cash for school trip to Canada, hope she knows this means
no present, or that this is her present) down, just 4 more to go. I think the Balloon Bag will be
too big for the younger niece, so I am making her the larger of these. It should be just small enough for a gameboy, a couple of games and a lip balm. That should be perfect. so far it's not
too big and I should be able to finish it today. Way cool! Pics to follow. I still need to find little patterns for things like caps and beanies. Just two more projects and my goal of finishing
knitted gifts for the bulk of the family will be reached!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Hey, I won the contest!!!!!! I actually won something! Shelby emailed me that I won the drawing for her contest. Don't know what it is yet, can't wait to see.
Friday, December 01, 2006
10 inches and growing!!!!
ya know, somehow that doesn't sound right :-)
but here in all it's growing glory is Imani's purse.

And here is one for one of the little girls.

The other is a deeper purple.
Now I must say thanks to my sp who sent me the cutest get well card. I really appreciated it
and it made me feel so much better! Thanks Sabine! She actually sent me several cards. I really like them all!
And because I needed a picture of something relaxing, this is my eldest sister (the one we call the Little General) with my nephew, learning to juggle at the Maryland Renaissance Festival. What is it about kids and jackets? My nephew refuses to wear one and I usually have to carry and extra along 'cause I know he will eventually get cold *sigh* Fortunately on this occassion I had a sweatshirt his sister had left at my house (and what is it about kids not understanding the phrase "get all your things together before your mother gets here to pick you up"?)

Monday, November 27, 2006
whine, whine, whine
well, i came home early today. i went to work and stayed for an hour, before i just told everyone isabel was in charge and left. i have a fever, or what passes for a fever for me, and i am tired. my temp is 96. which in a properly hydrated person is probably about a hundred plus. so i am sitting here feeling crappy and listening to my new favorite song, Anna Molly by incubus (see below) and trying to find tickets on line for the show. I think I am going to bed. waaaaaaaah, i feel sick. whine, whine, whine............
at least i have knitting! got the yarn for the coco bag. will start on that when i wake from my nap.
at least i have knitting! got the yarn for the coco bag. will start on that when i wake from my nap.
I know my neighbors must be tired of this by now. After all, it's 12am and I have listened to this song like 6 times. I love this song!!!!! Okay, 'nuff said.
Incubus - Anna Molly
Incubus - Anna Molly
Sunday, November 26, 2006
happy, happy, joy, joy!
Incubus is playing the 9:30 Club and they have a new album!!!! yea!!
the tickets aren't on sale yet. boooooo!!! neither is the album. hisss, boooo!!!
I feel better today! yea!!!!!!
just finished watching Aeon Flux. ya know, i actually liked this movie. it wasn't too bad.
going to bed now. still very sleepy.
the tickets aren't on sale yet. boooooo!!! neither is the album. hisss, boooo!!!
I feel better today! yea!!!!!!
just finished watching Aeon Flux. ya know, i actually liked this movie. it wasn't too bad.
going to bed now. still very sleepy.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
2:30am, 2 hours and counting
it's been a rough week. the store was jamming, i missed my sales target, my team
basically fell apart at the seams on wednesday morning/tuesday night.
gotta have a planning session with the new assistants. folks just don't seem to
understand volume, or initiative. i mean, don't get me wrong, they are all good people, but why would someone during thanksgiving week, when the traditional items are pumpkin and apple
pie, make only 60 lbs of pumpkin pie filling (makes about 35 pies) and bake only 70 apple pies
(we had 65 special orders). my assitant didn't check a darn thing *sigh*. it's not their fault.
i gave them too much credit. in the future, i need to assume nothing.
anyway. this week i had over 15 hours of overtime in just 4 days. i am exhausted. still. even after having a day off. i realized today that i had consumed only 2 cups of water in 3 days, and
not taken my allergy meds, again. i felt sooooo sick today. i came home from work and fell
asleep for about 4 hours. then i woke up and ate some ham. bad move. i spent the next 3
hours experiencing the worst nausea. then the usual end result of a bad bout of nausea
occurred and i spent the next hour just lying there, on the sofa. i really need to take better care
of myself *sigh* i drank some water and had a nice warm roll with butter. i feel better, but i
am still concerned. ya never know. i also had a nice cup of ginger raspberry tea. that probably
did the trick. yes, i know, you really wanted to hear all about this :-) the roll was courtesy of
my 12 year old nephew (the one in the picture from about 3 posts ago). he loves to help cook.
he made the rolls all by himself, with just some hints from his mom and a few questions for his baker auntie. they were quite good.
on the knitting front. i am working on the pattern i chose for my sister, but she wants one to match her hat. the charcoal and beige will be for my other sister i think. the other one will get
the coco purse.
basically fell apart at the seams on wednesday morning/tuesday night.
gotta have a planning session with the new assistants. folks just don't seem to
understand volume, or initiative. i mean, don't get me wrong, they are all good people, but why would someone during thanksgiving week, when the traditional items are pumpkin and apple
pie, make only 60 lbs of pumpkin pie filling (makes about 35 pies) and bake only 70 apple pies
(we had 65 special orders). my assitant didn't check a darn thing *sigh*. it's not their fault.
i gave them too much credit. in the future, i need to assume nothing.
anyway. this week i had over 15 hours of overtime in just 4 days. i am exhausted. still. even after having a day off. i realized today that i had consumed only 2 cups of water in 3 days, and
not taken my allergy meds, again. i felt sooooo sick today. i came home from work and fell
asleep for about 4 hours. then i woke up and ate some ham. bad move. i spent the next 3
hours experiencing the worst nausea. then the usual end result of a bad bout of nausea
occurred and i spent the next hour just lying there, on the sofa. i really need to take better care
of myself *sigh* i drank some water and had a nice warm roll with butter. i feel better, but i
am still concerned. ya never know. i also had a nice cup of ginger raspberry tea. that probably
did the trick. yes, i know, you really wanted to hear all about this :-) the roll was courtesy of
my 12 year old nephew (the one in the picture from about 3 posts ago). he loves to help cook.
he made the rolls all by himself, with just some hints from his mom and a few questions for his baker auntie. they were quite good.
on the knitting front. i am working on the pattern i chose for my sister, but she wants one to match her hat. the charcoal and beige will be for my other sister i think. the other one will get
the coco purse.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
my awesomely awesome pal!
My pal Sabine informed me i have a gift in the mail. She is giving me a year subscription to Interweave Knits! She knows I love the magazine. She may not know I haunt the website, drooling and downloading free patterns. She doesn't know that I was seconds away from buying the winter issue, and I was only prevented from doing so because the chicks who entered the book room at Springwater before me purchased the last copy (darn it , but no worries now!)
Thank you Sabine!! You rock!
Thank you Sabine!! You rock!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
New on my itunes list: Jacues Loussier Trio, Bach: The Brandenburgs
New on the needles: The balloon purse
New on the bookshelf: Folk Bags
Madness in the store.
it's four days before thanksgiving and the store is in full gear. endcaps being built and cases being moved. i'm being told there is a definite difference in the department when i am there. that's nice. sales are higher when i am there, which is good to know. i'm off today, but going in to check on the team and to make pie fillings. my goal is to fill two containers, one with pumpkin and the other with pecan. i also need to make pizza dough 'cause if promised my pie packing crew pizza. they are going to be
packing about four hundred pies tomorrow night. as many as i can get baked and cooled in 6 hours. all fruit pies.
we are going to really get hit with the pumpkin pies. the washington post has voted our pumpkin pie the best in DC. great news and it means awesome sales. lovin' it, lovin' it, lovin' it. it's so exciting being back in the store.
on the knitting front, i found a pattern for a bag for imani. it's a pattern i wanted to make for her before and forgot about it as soon as i found it. i'm wondering if I should do it in the original black and white or in charcoal and red, to match her hat and gloves..........
New on the needles: The balloon purse
New on the bookshelf: Folk Bags
Madness in the store.
it's four days before thanksgiving and the store is in full gear. endcaps being built and cases being moved. i'm being told there is a definite difference in the department when i am there. that's nice. sales are higher when i am there, which is good to know. i'm off today, but going in to check on the team and to make pie fillings. my goal is to fill two containers, one with pumpkin and the other with pecan. i also need to make pizza dough 'cause if promised my pie packing crew pizza. they are going to be
packing about four hundred pies tomorrow night. as many as i can get baked and cooled in 6 hours. all fruit pies.
we are going to really get hit with the pumpkin pies. the washington post has voted our pumpkin pie the best in DC. great news and it means awesome sales. lovin' it, lovin' it, lovin' it. it's so exciting being back in the store.
on the knitting front, i found a pattern for a bag for imani. it's a pattern i wanted to make for her before and forgot about it as soon as i found it. i'm wondering if I should do it in the original black and white or in charcoal and red, to match her hat and gloves..........
Sunday, November 12, 2006

tired, tired, tired. and sick too. actually it's my allergies. i fell asleep on the sofa and woke up with cat in my face. she wanted food (fell asleep without feeding her last night) and felt i needed to fix that asap. unfortunatly as well as neglecting to feed her, i neglected to take my allergy meds, as a result, big headache. a headache that lasted all day and just seemed to get worse. so, now i am home and ready to sleep. but i think i will knit first.
i'm going to start on the girls purses tonight. i couldn't find a shade of purple to match what i have, so i think it's off to springwater to look for another skein tomorrow. i need a skein of cascade quatro in purple. also, i bought some mission falls cotton which i will use to make bath stuff. still haven't found the pattern i wanted, so i will use the patterns i found. they are in OneSkein

beautiful isn't he. this is my nephew. he is the subject of one of my projects. he wants a hat in red black green and gold,
something big enough to cover his locs. the hats we found at hot topic weren't big enough.
need to look for a pattern for him.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
this is the last time......
......I am going to attempt to post today.
I tried about an hour ago, for the 4th time and the
browser stopped responding.
I have defragged and I think I am going to bed. Watching Inuyasha
first though! Anyway, found the perfect purse for 2 little girls and here it is!
I tried about an hour ago, for the 4th time and the
browser stopped responding.
I have defragged and I think I am going to bed. Watching Inuyasha
first though! Anyway, found the perfect purse for 2 little girls and here it is!
Monday, November 06, 2006
this is the third time i have started a post.
the last one was excellent and had lots of pictures in it!!! i lost them both. totally bummed. i need a cup of tea *sigh*
the last one was excellent and had lots of pictures in it!!! i lost them both. totally bummed. i need a cup of tea *sigh*
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
It's 8:30am and time for breakfast.
I decided to start the day with my favorite food group, just a little piece.
So now I must once again say Sabine you rock!!!!!!
Thank you so much for the chocolates. They are a great way to start my day :-)
I decided to start the day with my favorite food group, just a little piece.
So now I must once again say Sabine you rock!!!!!!
Thank you so much for the chocolates. They are a great way to start my day :-)
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Dude, what is up with this????!!!!!!
Okay, for the second week in a row I am finding assorted bees staggering around my apartment. I have never before had a problem with bees in the house, and I know, they are looking for a warm place to hang, but dude, how are they getting in????? I do not like bees. I like honey. I like flowers. I do not like bees. Especially not in my apartment, crawling around on the floor where I am about to step!!!!! Last summer it was ants. Now it's bees. I need a new apartment *sigh*
Monday, October 30, 2006
Hey, I just discovered the Compose mode. Well, how do you like that. How long have I been doing this :-)
Anyway, I am currently slacking on the project front. I went shopping and purchased a nice sock yarn for my pal and some nifty cotton for myself. It's actually not for me because I plan to use it for Christmas gifts for others. I plan to turn it into a soap sack, face cloth and something else trio that I found a pattern for. Of course, I don't know where the pattern is (I hope it's not in some book I found in the bookstore and didn't purchase) but I will look for it later. I'm listening to podcasts, Pointy Sticks to be exact. Saving Cast-On for later.
Well, now that I have figured out how to post links, here is the link to Sarah's Yarns that I tried to post last time.
I'm feeling a little discombobulated. It was my first day at my new store and I spent the day working the counter, thus none of my plans for the day could be implemented or even considered. I wanted to reset the floor, get some new products started, check employee files, get my email transfered and up and running. Alas, I spent the day asking "whole or sliced" and cutting up bread *sigh* Tomorrow I am an extra body, so I should be able to set my plans in motion. New products, more products, files, attendance sheets........ Plus I will be on time. I have two alarm clocks (I don't sleep that heavy, I just don't want to get up) and both had issues this morning. The first one I forgot to adjust for daylight savings, so it went off at 3am instead of 4am. The second one I adjusted the time on, but it was set to snooze for some reason and it never went off. I don't understand this clock. So instead of arriving for my first day of work on time, relaxed, breakfasted and with a nice cup of tea in hand, I arrived harried, hungry, and 30 minutes late.
Fortunately I don't have to sign in yet :-)
Back to projects.
I am still working on the red scarf for my sister-in-law. I haven't touched the red aran sweater for me. I haven't finished middle sisters gloves. I haven't started big brothers scarf, or purchased yarn for it (I think he gets red, just like his wife).
I feel the clock ticking away, like some portent of doom, marking the hours until Christmas eve when I look up to find that I don't have presents for most of my faimily and have to rush out to Borders before they close to buy gift cards (again)......... although........ the Home Depot cards did seem to be pretty popular last year...........
On the project plus side, the shawl is for Mom and it's safely zip-loc'd away, as is baby brothers scarf. I have decided to use my new silk/wool blend to make Cozy from Knitty (fall '04) for myself.
I think this needs a picture, so I present scenes from the Seattle public library.

Anyway, I am currently slacking on the project front. I went shopping and purchased a nice sock yarn for my pal and some nifty cotton for myself. It's actually not for me because I plan to use it for Christmas gifts for others. I plan to turn it into a soap sack, face cloth and something else trio that I found a pattern for. Of course, I don't know where the pattern is (I hope it's not in some book I found in the bookstore and didn't purchase) but I will look for it later. I'm listening to podcasts, Pointy Sticks to be exact. Saving Cast-On for later.
Well, now that I have figured out how to post links, here is the link to Sarah's Yarns that I tried to post last time.
I'm feeling a little discombobulated. It was my first day at my new store and I spent the day working the counter, thus none of my plans for the day could be implemented or even considered. I wanted to reset the floor, get some new products started, check employee files, get my email transfered and up and running. Alas, I spent the day asking "whole or sliced" and cutting up bread *sigh* Tomorrow I am an extra body, so I should be able to set my plans in motion. New products, more products, files, attendance sheets........ Plus I will be on time. I have two alarm clocks (I don't sleep that heavy, I just don't want to get up) and both had issues this morning. The first one I forgot to adjust for daylight savings, so it went off at 3am instead of 4am. The second one I adjusted the time on, but it was set to snooze for some reason and it never went off. I don't understand this clock. So instead of arriving for my first day of work on time, relaxed, breakfasted and with a nice cup of tea in hand, I arrived harried, hungry, and 30 minutes late.
Fortunately I don't have to sign in yet :-)
Back to projects.
I am still working on the red scarf for my sister-in-law. I haven't touched the red aran sweater for me. I haven't finished middle sisters gloves. I haven't started big brothers scarf, or purchased yarn for it (I think he gets red, just like his wife).
I feel the clock ticking away, like some portent of doom, marking the hours until Christmas eve when I look up to find that I don't have presents for most of my faimily and have to rush out to Borders before they close to buy gift cards (again)......... although........ the Home Depot cards did seem to be pretty popular last year...........
On the project plus side, the shawl is for Mom and it's safely zip-loc'd away, as is baby brothers scarf. I have decided to use my new silk/wool blend to make Cozy from Knitty (fall '04) for myself.
I think this needs a picture, so I present scenes from the Seattle public library.

Sunday, October 29, 2006
I got way cool Treats!!!

My wonderful package just arrived from my pal in Germany! I love it, love it, love it. She sent mohair yarn which I will use to make a yummy scarf for myself.
There's Weleda oils in great frangrances. oooooh and the chocolates. Absolutely divine! White chocolate shells surrounding strawberry cream chocolate filling. The bag had more than in the picture but I opened the package while driving to a friends house and she and her husband decided they had to open the chocolates for me :-) And the advent calandar, can't wait until December to try my teas. It's going to be a long wait, but good things come to those who wait. She also enclosed a wonderful card describing my treats and an adorable scarf pattern. And she's not a secret anymore sooooooo thank you Sabine! You rock!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
New Yarn!
Let me just take a moment to sing the praises of Sarah's Yarns. I ordered some in a bit of a fit of spending frenzy (though I controlled myself and bought only one cone) and it just arrived!!!!! I had forgotten I had purchased the ruby red and was suprised to open the box and find red and not purple (must be old age, and the fact that I kept changing the color). Now, I was impressed by the prices (which I think are pretty reasonable) and the speedy delivery (gotta love ups) but most of all by the inclusion of sample cards for the yarns!!! She charges for them on the site, but she sent the whole shebang!! I had issues with the colors displayed on the computer. Some of them were so pale, I couldn't really decide if I liked them or not. Having samples of the yarn in my hot little hands is wonderful! I thank the goddess of podcasts, Brenda Dayne for mentioning her.
I also want to thank my secret pal! She sent me the most wonderful e-card. I liked it so much I sent one to my spoilee. She said she is sending my first package. I am veeeeeery excited about that!
Will post pics later of the yarn and the scarf.
I also want to thank my secret pal! She sent me the most wonderful e-card. I liked it so much I sent one to my spoilee. She said she is sending my first package. I am veeeeeery excited about that!
Will post pics later of the yarn and the scarf.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Done, done, done, done, done!!!!! Not too shabby for my first lace project ever, hmmmmm?!? I feel very proud of myself. I can see the mistakes (and yes, I did straighten the blocking), but I think that means I should keep it instead of giving it away :-)
lovin' it, lovin' it, lovin' it!
I even love the fact that I am sleeping on the sofa because my bed is covered with pins and my room smells like wet wool :-)

And here's the picture of the postcard from my pal! It looks like such beautiful place. Just up my vacation alley, history and beauty in one package. Ahhhhh.......
lovin' it, lovin' it, lovin' it!
I even love the fact that I am sleeping on the sofa because my bed is covered with pins and my room smells like wet wool :-)

And here's the picture of the postcard from my pal! It looks like such beautiful place. Just up my vacation alley, history and beauty in one package. Ahhhhh.......

Monday, October 16, 2006
Postcards from Bavaria!
My pal sent me a postcard from her vacation! I was so suprised and tickled to receive it. I stuck it in my purse and promptly forgot it was there, then opened my purse and it made me smile all over again. I'll scan it and post it when I can find the wires to my scanner :-) Thank you so much! You brightened my day.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Oooooooh, contest!
Okay, here are my answers to the questions on Shelby's blog!
List your favorite:
Actor -Denzel Washington (talent and eyecandy, yum!) or Cary Grant *sigh*
Actress - Ingrid Bergman
Animal - Cats, I love my kitty
Band - Incubus
Book - Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series
Bubble Bath - EO Lavender or Lemon Verbena shower gel
Candy - Strawberry Twizzlers
Color - deep blue.....or ruby red.......or purple
Drink- Sage Margarita (If you haven't had one, try it, you'll thank me)
Flower - Sunflowers, or roses
Food - Curries (Thai, Jamaican, whatever, just gimmie curry!)
Lip Balm - Aubrey's organic
Lotion - Origin's Ginger body Souffle, smooth and creamy and the smell is divine!
Movie - A Few Dollars More (gotta love Clint!)
Place- New Orleans
Song - Thoughtless by Korn for when I feel like the world done did me wrong, Audrey by Dave Brubeck for when I need to chill, Hangin' on the Telephone by Blondie for when I need to not chill
TV Show - CSI
Yarn- I don't think I have a favorite, I like em all. I do like the feel and the movement of the Debbie Bliss Silk/Alpaca blend I bought, but anything you put alpaca in I will find extremely drool-worthy
Vacation Spot - London, it's all about the architecture, the gardens, the history, wow
List your favorite:
Actor -Denzel Washington (talent and eyecandy, yum!) or Cary Grant *sigh*
Actress - Ingrid Bergman
Animal - Cats, I love my kitty
Band - Incubus
Book - Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series
Bubble Bath - EO Lavender or Lemon Verbena shower gel
Candy - Strawberry Twizzlers
Color - deep blue.....or ruby red.......or purple
Drink- Sage Margarita (If you haven't had one, try it, you'll thank me)
Flower - Sunflowers, or roses
Food - Curries (Thai, Jamaican, whatever, just gimmie curry!)
Lip Balm - Aubrey's organic
Lotion - Origin's Ginger body Souffle, smooth and creamy and the smell is divine!
Movie - A Few Dollars More (gotta love Clint!)
Place- New Orleans
Song - Thoughtless by Korn for when I feel like the world done did me wrong, Audrey by Dave Brubeck for when I need to chill, Hangin' on the Telephone by Blondie for when I need to not chill
TV Show - CSI
Yarn- I don't think I have a favorite, I like em all. I do like the feel and the movement of the Debbie Bliss Silk/Alpaca blend I bought, but anything you put alpaca in I will find extremely drool-worthy
Vacation Spot - London, it's all about the architecture, the gardens, the history, wow
Monday, October 09, 2006
no knitting today
so far no new project in the works. I took a shot at starting SIL's scarf, but I need to work it better, came out way too wide and I am not sure how I want to do it. Gonna try to get rid of some of my stash. *sigh*
Plan to shop tomorrow to send my first treat to my secret pal. Very excited.
Plan to shop tomorrow to send my first treat to my secret pal. Very excited.
more questions!
Found these on Shelby's site. Thought I would give them a whirl.
1. Where is your favorite knitting spot?
In the living room, on the couch in front of the tv.
2. If you suddenly could never knit again (shudder) - what would you do instead?
I would paint, but I would have to take some classes first :-)
3. If you could travel anywhere in the world - where would you go and why?
I would love to go to Asia, especially Japan. I have a fantasy about touring the Nintendo hq.
4. When you were little - What did you want to do "when you grew up?" Are you doing it?
I wanted to be a doctor, or a paramedic. Nope, I am a baker.
5. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Chocolate, chocolate with brownies, chocolate with caramel, chocolate with fudge, chocolate with..... are we seeing a pattern here?
1. Where is your favorite knitting spot?
In the living room, on the couch in front of the tv.
2. If you suddenly could never knit again (shudder) - what would you do instead?
I would paint, but I would have to take some classes first :-)
3. If you could travel anywhere in the world - where would you go and why?
I would love to go to Asia, especially Japan. I have a fantasy about touring the Nintendo hq.
4. When you were little - What did you want to do "when you grew up?" Are you doing it?
I wanted to be a doctor, or a paramedic. Nope, I am a baker.
5. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Chocolate, chocolate with brownies, chocolate with caramel, chocolate with fudge, chocolate with..... are we seeing a pattern here?
Sunday, October 08, 2006
I've created a monster.....
....only in a good way. My mom, who had been moaning about crocheting, computers, knitting and basically showing signs of extreme boredom, is now on her third cap for Caps to the Capital. She is way excited about it. I'm loving it. Even if I am slacking and haven't made anything yet :-)
one down!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
there's good, and there's not so good.....
Finished G's socks! Yea!!!!!! Didn't take pictures. Booooooo! Oh well, I finished them in the middle of the bakery team leader meeting and gave them to her during the appreciations section. She loved them. I called them promotion socks. They were actually "thanks for being my friend, congratulations on 7 years clean and sober, congrats on the promotion, and you are such a sweetie" socks. I went with her to her anniversary meeting and she suprised me by asking me to give her her 7 year medallion. Now, I have never been to a meeting before so I wasn't sure what to expect, besides lots of people going up and sharing their addiction stories. It was quite heart rending, and funny, and a little inspiring. It's amazing to hear what people can do to themselves and how they can overcome it and be stronger for the experience. I was honored to be there, and so proud of her. She cried during her talk. I almost cried too.
Other news, I feel like crap today. Actually it was earlier today, I feel better now and almost want to go out of the house. I think I will leave the house, in search of the skein of yarn I need to finish my shawl. Also, I think it will be warmer in the car than it is in my apartment. The heater keeps blowing out my surge protector so I have to keep it on low, and the building hasn't turned on the heat yet, though they have had the plumbers/heating unit repair dudes out. They should be coming by to bleed the radiators soon. One of the drawbacks of this lovely old building. According to my sound machine, it's 67.5 degrees in here. Have I mentioned I don't like cold and to me that is cold?
Well, I do have to leave today in search of food. I don't have any and I need some to feed my symptoms (maybe a slight cold, maybe i just need to take my allergy meds). I think a nice chicken stew (maybe some coq au vin) would be nice. Mmmmmm, and I have a nice loaf of ciabatta that would go perfectly with it.
Memories of a warmer time. Courtyard of Place d'Armes hotel in New Orleans, LA July 2006. 90 degrees in the shade. Bliss.
Other news, I feel like crap today. Actually it was earlier today, I feel better now and almost want to go out of the house. I think I will leave the house, in search of the skein of yarn I need to finish my shawl. Also, I think it will be warmer in the car than it is in my apartment. The heater keeps blowing out my surge protector so I have to keep it on low, and the building hasn't turned on the heat yet, though they have had the plumbers/heating unit repair dudes out. They should be coming by to bleed the radiators soon. One of the drawbacks of this lovely old building. According to my sound machine, it's 67.5 degrees in here. Have I mentioned I don't like cold and to me that is cold?
Well, I do have to leave today in search of food. I don't have any and I need some to feed my symptoms (maybe a slight cold, maybe i just need to take my allergy meds). I think a nice chicken stew (maybe some coq au vin) would be nice. Mmmmmm, and I have a nice loaf of ciabatta that would go perfectly with it.
Memories of a warmer time. Courtyard of Place d'Armes hotel in New Orleans, LA July 2006. 90 degrees in the shade. Bliss.

Friday, October 06, 2006
Hey, I'm a flower! and one I have never heard of at that.
"You stand up for what you believe in, even if it gets in the way of what other people think. You are proud of yourself and your accomplishments and you enjoy letting people know that."
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Now for the bread part!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
I can't get my button to work. I think I'll go to work now *sigh*
I did get my heel right though (yea!!!). I made it up my own variation on a short row heel. Looks good though. Will photograph when I finish it.
I did get my heel right though (yea!!!). I made it up my own variation on a short row heel. Looks good though. Will photograph when I finish it.
Monday, October 02, 2006
dye-ing for change
I am applying for a new postition at a new store. I took a good look in the mirror at my locs and decided that it was time to go for more color, less grey, so now I am a brunette! I do this periodically. There's a nice natural hair dye at the store that I like to use, made from vegetable extracts and amomonia free.
I also am about 1/2 done with baby brothers scarf. I went into a yarn shop and looked for a nice soft yarn in a neutral color other than black. All he wears is black. Mom suggested he needed a bright color, I wanted something he would wear. His wife will probably steal it from him, but hopefully he will get to wear it and if she "borrows" it, I will feel it is a complement, she's very picky. It's 100% Baby Alpaca Chunky in a soft, sorta pearly grey. Love it. I would keep it myself. Need to find a nice something for big bro Greg next. I have a yarn for his wife, a beautiful ruby red silk and something soft. Did I mention these already? Oh, well.
Anyway, after watching the news today, and getting another parking ticket, I needed to veg and knit today. Tomorrow it's an on the road day. Gotta start with probably a trip to silver spring, a meeting at what will hopefully be my new store, and then on to the places I am scheduled to visit tomorrow. It's going to be a very long day. I think I'll reward myself with a nice trip to the yarn store while I am there :-)

I also am about 1/2 done with baby brothers scarf. I went into a yarn shop and looked for a nice soft yarn in a neutral color other than black. All he wears is black. Mom suggested he needed a bright color, I wanted something he would wear. His wife will probably steal it from him, but hopefully he will get to wear it and if she "borrows" it, I will feel it is a complement, she's very picky. It's 100% Baby Alpaca Chunky in a soft, sorta pearly grey. Love it. I would keep it myself. Need to find a nice something for big bro Greg next. I have a yarn for his wife, a beautiful ruby red silk and something soft. Did I mention these already? Oh, well.
Anyway, after watching the news today, and getting another parking ticket, I needed to veg and knit today. Tomorrow it's an on the road day. Gotta start with probably a trip to silver spring, a meeting at what will hopefully be my new store, and then on to the places I am scheduled to visit tomorrow. It's going to be a very long day. I think I'll reward myself with a nice trip to the yarn store while I am there :-)
What Kind of Muppet am I?
You Are Scooter |
![]() Brainy and knowledgable, you are the perfect sidekick. You're always willing to lend a helping hand. In any big event or party, you're the one who keeps things going. "15 seconds to showtime!" |
Sunday, October 01, 2006
secret pal 9 questions
1. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with? What fibers do you absolutely *not* like? I am a very tactile person, I like anything soft (alpaca, silk, blends, mohair, soft wooly stuff). Don't like scratchy. Don't really like eyelash (too fuzzy) or acrylics (I admit it, I'm a yarn snob).
2. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in? I use a small plastic storage container for notions (like that word), crochet hooks and small circulars, a tall tin can for the needles that won't fit in my needle holder, and a "circular solution" hangable holder (which is currently overflowing so I need something else, but can't figure out what).

3. How long have you been knitting & how did you learn? I picked up my first needles in probably 1988? At about the same time I took a class at a lys. I have been knitting off and on (mostly off) since then. Have become much more dilligent in the last 4 years.
Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced? I am terrified of the words advanced and intermediate. I call myself an advanced beginner because there is so much I have to learn. I have made socks, scarves (I made my first scarf last year), mittens, gloves, working on a lace shawl and on a sweater with 6 (yes, 6) stitch patterns 4 of which are cables (and I wonder why I keep putting it down, sheesh!)
4. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list? Um, no.
5. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products, etc.) hmmmmmm........I love gardenias, lavender, and any of the Archipelago candle scents (especially their bergamot scents, yummm).
6. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy? Yes!!! Favorite candies are those little pseudo-strawberry thingys with the jelly filling that come wrapped in the strawberry printed wrappers, butterscotch hard candies, and any good chocolate (especially truffles).
7. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Do you spin? Right now none. I have tried beads (made some nice earrings and bracelets for folks) and may return to that. I would like to learn to spin.
8. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD) My computer can play mp3s. I love most music, not a real big country fan. I like rock, r&b, classical, jazz (the old stuff mostly, of the new I hate Kenny G). I guess there is a category of coffee house? I like that.
9. What's your favorite color(s)? Any colors you just can't stand? I love red, blue, purple. I like jewel tones.
10. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets? I am single, no kids, one cat.
11. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos? I don't wear ponchos, but I love scarves, hats, mittens, shawls, head scarves (no cotton 'cause it dries out my hair) are a must for me (gotta keep the locs tamed :-) Currently trying to figure out how to make a 40's style hair restraint of some kind. Bought some black silk and looking for patterns.

12. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit? I don't really have one. Right now I like making big, fluffy socks for wandering around the house, but I also love sweaters.
13. What are you knitting right now? Meadow Flowers Shawl from Knitter's Stash, gloves from the OneSkein book, broken rib scarf, socks, the sweater I have been working on off and on for the last 2+ years (there's a picture somewhere in the past posts), and a 2nd scarf from the vogue bulky hats and scarves book.
14. Do you like to receive handmade gifts? Love 'em, but very rarely get them *sniffle, sniffle*
15. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminum, plastic? I prefer circs (dpns for small stuff) and I usually use bamboo.
16. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift? No, winder is on my mental wish-list.
17. How old is your oldest UFO? 2 and a half years *sigh* My plan is to finish it by spring.
18. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas, I think.
19. Is there anything that you collect? I love teapots, I have 8 right now.
20. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have? I don't have any magazine subscriptions, although I am thinking of subscribing to Interweave. And right now the only books I am drooling over are Arctic Lace and Knitting Nature. I have been eyeing the Denise needles and I would love to have more Addie Turbos (insert Brenda Dayne's turbo sound here). Baby Alpaca in any guage or bold color is really high on my list of drool-worthy items.
21. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn? I do want to learn more about lace.
22. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements? Yes, I am newly addicted to socks. I will admit I am scared of size 1 needles and the fine yarn (do I have the patience????) so I do big and fuzzy.
Foot measurements? 10 inches long (stop laughing, I know I have big feet :-) and 10 inches around the instep.
23. When is your birthday? (mm/dd) April 21st. Taureans rule!!!!!
2. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in? I use a small plastic storage container for notions (like that word), crochet hooks and small circulars, a tall tin can for the needles that won't fit in my needle holder, and a "circular solution" hangable holder (which is currently overflowing so I need something else, but can't figure out what).

3. How long have you been knitting & how did you learn? I picked up my first needles in probably 1988? At about the same time I took a class at a lys. I have been knitting off and on (mostly off) since then. Have become much more dilligent in the last 4 years.
Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced? I am terrified of the words advanced and intermediate. I call myself an advanced beginner because there is so much I have to learn. I have made socks, scarves (I made my first scarf last year), mittens, gloves, working on a lace shawl and on a sweater with 6 (yes, 6) stitch patterns 4 of which are cables (and I wonder why I keep putting it down, sheesh!)
4. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list? Um, no.
5. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products, etc.) hmmmmmm........I love gardenias, lavender, and any of the Archipelago candle scents (especially their bergamot scents, yummm).
6. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy? Yes!!! Favorite candies are those little pseudo-strawberry thingys with the jelly filling that come wrapped in the strawberry printed wrappers, butterscotch hard candies, and any good chocolate (especially truffles).
7. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Do you spin? Right now none. I have tried beads (made some nice earrings and bracelets for folks) and may return to that. I would like to learn to spin.
8. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD) My computer can play mp3s. I love most music, not a real big country fan. I like rock, r&b, classical, jazz (the old stuff mostly, of the new I hate Kenny G). I guess there is a category of coffee house? I like that.
9. What's your favorite color(s)? Any colors you just can't stand? I love red, blue, purple. I like jewel tones.
10. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets? I am single, no kids, one cat.
11. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos? I don't wear ponchos, but I love scarves, hats, mittens, shawls, head scarves (no cotton 'cause it dries out my hair) are a must for me (gotta keep the locs tamed :-) Currently trying to figure out how to make a 40's style hair restraint of some kind. Bought some black silk and looking for patterns.

12. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit? I don't really have one. Right now I like making big, fluffy socks for wandering around the house, but I also love sweaters.
13. What are you knitting right now? Meadow Flowers Shawl from Knitter's Stash, gloves from the OneSkein book, broken rib scarf, socks, the sweater I have been working on off and on for the last 2+ years (there's a picture somewhere in the past posts), and a 2nd scarf from the vogue bulky hats and scarves book.
14. Do you like to receive handmade gifts? Love 'em, but very rarely get them *sniffle, sniffle*
15. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminum, plastic? I prefer circs (dpns for small stuff) and I usually use bamboo.
16. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift? No, winder is on my mental wish-list.
17. How old is your oldest UFO? 2 and a half years *sigh* My plan is to finish it by spring.
18. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas, I think.
19. Is there anything that you collect? I love teapots, I have 8 right now.
20. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have? I don't have any magazine subscriptions, although I am thinking of subscribing to Interweave. And right now the only books I am drooling over are Arctic Lace and Knitting Nature. I have been eyeing the Denise needles and I would love to have more Addie Turbos (insert Brenda Dayne's turbo sound here). Baby Alpaca in any guage or bold color is really high on my list of drool-worthy items.
21. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn? I do want to learn more about lace.
22. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements? Yes, I am newly addicted to socks. I will admit I am scared of size 1 needles and the fine yarn (do I have the patience????) so I do big and fuzzy.
Foot measurements? 10 inches long (stop laughing, I know I have big feet :-) and 10 inches around the instep.
23. When is your birthday? (mm/dd) April 21st. Taureans rule!!!!!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
my socks!!!!!

Lovely blue, isn't it. Shakespeare from Artful Yarns. Never heard of it, but I will buy it again. Made in Italy. Yummy. Soft and a little fragile. But not as bad to work with as the yarn shop lady warned. It is getting a little hard to deal with because it's hot in here and my hands are getting a little sweaty. Actually it's not hot, but my hands are getting a little sweaty.
I feel quite virtuous because I passed on Alchemy silk and wool yarn at 50% off. Or maybe I am lightheaded because I just lost my mind. 50% off!!!! Sheesh! What was I thinking!!!
banned books
In celebration of banned books week, I think I will read one. Looking at the list I realize I have missed a lot of them and the books I have read I read in jr high, but it's never too late to start! Books I have read in bold or italics.
Scary Stories (Series) by Alvin Schwartz
Daddy's Roommate by Michael Willhoite
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
Harry Potter (Series) by J.K. Rowling
Forever by Judy Blume
Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson
Alice (Series) by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Heather Has Two Mommies by Leslea Newman
My Brother Sam is Dead by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
The Giver by Lois Lowry
It's Perfectly Normal by Robie Harris
Goosebumps (Series) by R.L. Stine
A Day No Pigs Would Die by Robert Newton Peck
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
Sex by Madonna
Earth's Children (Series) by Jean M. Auel
The Great Gilly Hopkins by Katherine Paterson
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle
Go Ask Alice by Anonymous
Fallen Angels by Walter Dean Myers
In the Night Kitchen by Maurice Sendak
The Stupids (Series) by Harry Allard
The Witches by Roald Dahl
The New Joy of Gay Sex by Charles Silverstein
Anastasia Krupnik (Series) by Lois Lowry
The Goats by Brock Cole
Kaffir Boy by Mark Mathabane
Blubber by Judy Blume
Killing Mr. Griffin by Lois Duncan
Halloween ABC by Eve Merriam
We All Fall Down by Robert Cormier
Final Exit by Derek Humphry
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
Julie of the Wolves by Jean Craighead George
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
What's Happening to my Body? Book for Girls: A Growing-Up Guide for Parents & Daughters by Lynda Madaras
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Beloved by Toni Morrison
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
The Pigman by Paul Zindel
Bumps in the Night by Harry Allard
Deenie by Judy Blume
Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Annie on my Mind by Nancy Garden
The Boy Who Lost His Face by Louis Sachar
Cross Your Fingers, Spit in Your Hat by Alvin Schwartz
A Light in the Attic by Shel Silverstein
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Sleeping Beauty Trilogy by A.N. Roquelaure (Anne Rice)
Asking About Sex and Growing Up by Joanna Cole
Cujo by Stephen King
James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl
The Anarchist Cookbook by William Powell
Boys and Sex by Wardell Pomeroy
Ordinary People by Judith Guest
American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
What's Happening to my Body? Book for Boys: A Growing-Up Guide for Parents & Sons by Lynda Madaras
Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret by Judy Blume
Crazy Lady by Jane Conly
Athletic Shorts by Chris Crutcher
Fade by Robert Cormier
Guess What? by Mem Fox
The House of Spirits by Isabel Allende
The Face on the Milk Carton by Caroline Cooney
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Native Son by Richard Wright
Women on Top: How Real Life Has Changed Women's Fantasies by Nancy Friday
Curses, Hexes and Spells by Daniel Cohen
Jack by A.M. Homes
Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo A. Anaya
Where Did I Come From? by Peter Mayle
Carrie by Stephen King
Tiger Eyes by Judy Blume
On My Honor by Marion Dane Bauer
Arizona Kid by Ron Koertge
Family Secrets by Norma Klein
Mommy Laid An Egg by Babette Cole
The Dead Zone by Stephen King
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
Always Running by Luis Rodriguez
Private Parts by Howard Stern
Where's Waldo? by Martin Hanford
Summer of My German Soldier by Bette Greene
Little Black Sambo by Helen Bannerman
Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
Running Loose by Chris Crutcher
Sex Education by Jenny Davis
The Drowning of Stephen Jones by Bette Greene
Girls and Sex by Wardell Pomeroy
How to Eat Fried Worms by Thomas Rockwell
View from the Cherry Tree by Willo Davis Roberts
The Headless Cupid by Zilpha Keatley Snyder
The Terrorist by Caroline Cooney
Jump Ship to Freedom by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier
Scary Stories (Series) by Alvin Schwartz
Daddy's Roommate by Michael Willhoite
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
Harry Potter (Series) by J.K. Rowling
Forever by Judy Blume
Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson
Alice (Series) by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Heather Has Two Mommies by Leslea Newman
My Brother Sam is Dead by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
The Giver by Lois Lowry
It's Perfectly Normal by Robie Harris
Goosebumps (Series) by R.L. Stine
A Day No Pigs Would Die by Robert Newton Peck
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
Sex by Madonna
Earth's Children (Series) by Jean M. Auel
The Great Gilly Hopkins by Katherine Paterson
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle
Go Ask Alice by Anonymous
Fallen Angels by Walter Dean Myers
In the Night Kitchen by Maurice Sendak
The Stupids (Series) by Harry Allard
The Witches by Roald Dahl
The New Joy of Gay Sex by Charles Silverstein
Anastasia Krupnik (Series) by Lois Lowry
The Goats by Brock Cole
Kaffir Boy by Mark Mathabane
Blubber by Judy Blume
Killing Mr. Griffin by Lois Duncan
Halloween ABC by Eve Merriam
We All Fall Down by Robert Cormier
Final Exit by Derek Humphry
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
Julie of the Wolves by Jean Craighead George
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
What's Happening to my Body? Book for Girls: A Growing-Up Guide for Parents & Daughters by Lynda Madaras
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Beloved by Toni Morrison
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
The Pigman by Paul Zindel
Bumps in the Night by Harry Allard
Deenie by Judy Blume
Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Annie on my Mind by Nancy Garden
The Boy Who Lost His Face by Louis Sachar
Cross Your Fingers, Spit in Your Hat by Alvin Schwartz
A Light in the Attic by Shel Silverstein
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Sleeping Beauty Trilogy by A.N. Roquelaure (Anne Rice)
Asking About Sex and Growing Up by Joanna Cole
Cujo by Stephen King
James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl
The Anarchist Cookbook by William Powell
Boys and Sex by Wardell Pomeroy
Ordinary People by Judith Guest
American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
What's Happening to my Body? Book for Boys: A Growing-Up Guide for Parents & Sons by Lynda Madaras
Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret by Judy Blume
Crazy Lady by Jane Conly
Athletic Shorts by Chris Crutcher
Fade by Robert Cormier
Guess What? by Mem Fox
The House of Spirits by Isabel Allende
The Face on the Milk Carton by Caroline Cooney
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Native Son by Richard Wright
Women on Top: How Real Life Has Changed Women's Fantasies by Nancy Friday
Curses, Hexes and Spells by Daniel Cohen
Jack by A.M. Homes
Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo A. Anaya
Where Did I Come From? by Peter Mayle
Carrie by Stephen King
Tiger Eyes by Judy Blume
On My Honor by Marion Dane Bauer
Arizona Kid by Ron Koertge
Family Secrets by Norma Klein
Mommy Laid An Egg by Babette Cole
The Dead Zone by Stephen King
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
Always Running by Luis Rodriguez
Private Parts by Howard Stern
Where's Waldo? by Martin Hanford
Summer of My German Soldier by Bette Greene
Little Black Sambo by Helen Bannerman
Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
Running Loose by Chris Crutcher
Sex Education by Jenny Davis
The Drowning of Stephen Jones by Bette Greene
Girls and Sex by Wardell Pomeroy
How to Eat Fried Worms by Thomas Rockwell
View from the Cherry Tree by Willo Davis Roberts
The Headless Cupid by Zilpha Keatley Snyder
The Terrorist by Caroline Cooney
Jump Ship to Freedom by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier
yea!!! I started my new socks. Just the way I like 'em, big needles, toe-up, nice weight yarn. Don't know the exact weight, but it's moderate thickness. Anyway, pics to come. Halfway through the first sock. Next time I think I will try two socks on circulars, seems like a plan to me.
Monday, September 25, 2006
the garden flower shawl
Okay, now I think I am stuck. I followed the pattern, I checked my guage, I forgot what type of yarn I bought, I think I may be about to run out, I am not sure what the pattern means, I am way confused *sigh* I think I am going to frog 8 rows. Or maybe I'll just stop where I am and have the pattern do it's thing, letting the stitches fall where they may. Or maybe I'll just hit Stitch DC tomorrow afternoon for some advice. It's not like anyone will notice, except me. Plus I think Mom was staring covetously at my shawl. She asked who it was for. Now it may have been an idle question, but I think she would like it. Maybe she will get it for Christmas.
I am trying to work on it everyday. So far very sucessful.
Found some great yarn at Temptations Yarn Shop in Dublin Ohio. Their second floor holds the sale yarns!!! I didn't notice it the first time I went there. It's a lovely shade of blue and it's going to be socks. Starting a pair of toe-up socks, no particular pattern decided yet. I am determined to finish a pair. I have four pairs under my belt, but I plan to complete more by christmas. I think they will be great gifts.
I am trying to work on it everyday. So far very sucessful.
Found some great yarn at Temptations Yarn Shop in Dublin Ohio. Their second floor holds the sale yarns!!! I didn't notice it the first time I went there. It's a lovely shade of blue and it's going to be socks. Starting a pair of toe-up socks, no particular pattern decided yet. I am determined to finish a pair. I have four pairs under my belt, but I plan to complete more by christmas. I think they will be great gifts.
Friday, September 22, 2006
4 more inches!!!
I have finally made it to the 4 inch point on the shawl. I am so excited, and nervous about finishing up the sides. I was thumbing through a shawl book and saw examples of overblocked lace work. I hope to avoid that, but it may necessitate a trip to the lys. Just have to figure out which one to visit. Maybe I can finish the final 4 today! One can dream.
Monday, September 18, 2006
home at last.
Well, just returned from a 7 hour concert at Nissan Pavillion. 10 bands, 7 hours, lots of drunk people and a carload of teenage girls. We had a great time. Heard some good music, and some bad. Will have to research some of the groups I heard tonight. Also got an autograph from Fieldy of Korn! Great fun.
They wouldn't let me take my knitting in. That's okay, I'm down another 2 inches on the shawl. I have also decided the teal and black cotton I have is going to turn into a tank top and socks.
They wouldn't let me take my knitting in. That's okay, I'm down another 2 inches on the shawl. I have also decided the teal and black cotton I have is going to turn into a tank top and socks.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Secret Pal 9
Okay, just signed up for secret pal. Can't wait to see how this works. I have been toying with the idea of joining for a while, and the one has opened so I finally did it. Very excited.
Beach camping. It was the camping story from hell and I loved it. Our dining tent was overrun by wild horses! See, it has two new doors :-)

Ahhh, knittng. Made some progress on the shawl and the cable sweater. About 4 inches of sweater and a lot of shawl, only 10 inches left of that and then it's on to the border. The lace is fun. I feel more confident as I go along, and almost ready to tackle another one. I am getting used to the color and I think I may keep it. I mean, I have considered giving it to mom, but I think she would like a nice bold, solid color (or a nice plain black or white), plus she's making her own. Granny squares. Teeny, tiny granny squares.

I do have to go see mom soon because we are going to do the caps to the capitol project ( savethechildren.org or warmupamerica.org ). It seems like a really cool thing to do, and a great way to get rid of 6 skeins of pale green fingering yarn that has been sitting in my stash for years and years and years. Got it from my sister. It's a very pretty green, but it's so darn thin! Probably going to double strand it.
Also working on a differnt pair of socks and having difficulty. I do not like little needles. Hate 'em. I think the needles are too small. Actually they probably aren't, I'm just not used to them and too impatient to work them properly. I am determined to finishe these socks though. I should have done them as toe-up. It seems to go much faster that way.
Beach camping. It was the camping story from hell and I loved it. Our dining tent was overrun by wild horses! See, it has two new doors :-)

Ahhh, knittng. Made some progress on the shawl and the cable sweater. About 4 inches of sweater and a lot of shawl, only 10 inches left of that and then it's on to the border. The lace is fun. I feel more confident as I go along, and almost ready to tackle another one. I am getting used to the color and I think I may keep it. I mean, I have considered giving it to mom, but I think she would like a nice bold, solid color (or a nice plain black or white), plus she's making her own. Granny squares. Teeny, tiny granny squares.

I do have to go see mom soon because we are going to do the caps to the capitol project ( savethechildren.org or warmupamerica.org ). It seems like a really cool thing to do, and a great way to get rid of 6 skeins of pale green fingering yarn that has been sitting in my stash for years and years and years. Got it from my sister. It's a very pretty green, but it's so darn thin! Probably going to double strand it.
Also working on a differnt pair of socks and having difficulty. I do not like little needles. Hate 'em. I think the needles are too small. Actually they probably aren't, I'm just not used to them and too impatient to work them properly. I am determined to finishe these socks though. I should have done them as toe-up. It seems to go much faster that way.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
it's like really late and i should be in bed, but i am listening to knitting podcasts. cast on to be exact. I need to go to bed because i have to get up really early to do laundry and go to the beach. i have no clean clothes and my apartment is a mess. i need to clean the litter box and write reports. the reports can wait. i do need to check email. oh well. i guess i need to work. if havent' knitted today. but i have thought about it :-)
Sunday, August 20, 2006
as i sit here, i can feel every ounce of fat on my body. it feels like it anyway. i miss the flow and suppleness of the body i have lost and never thought i would miss. i could bend and flow. i could walk for miles, up hill and down, without pause. now, i gasp and wheeze. my air constricted by the mounds of flesh that restrict my breath. i feel trapped.
i want to explore. i want to travel. i am hemmed in by my fears, an invisible gate that pens me, close to home. my pastures the asphalt expanse that is washington, maryland, virginia. i long for the open spaces and freedom of the new. the adventure. anywhere but kansas.
maybe i should just start with a walk.
i want to explore. i want to travel. i am hemmed in by my fears, an invisible gate that pens me, close to home. my pastures the asphalt expanse that is washington, maryland, virginia. i long for the open spaces and freedom of the new. the adventure. anywhere but kansas.
maybe i should just start with a walk.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
knitting podcasts

Oh, I finished the red fishermans sweater. Guess I need to change the profile!
I have spent the last couple of hours listening to knitting podcasts. I think I have lost my mind. It's really strange. I think it appeals to the inner vouyer in us all. You are sitting there, listening to someone elses conversation. I wonder if this can relate to the recent reports on the increased loneliness of people in the modern age. That so many of us communicate via email and meet in cyberspace. Oh well, regardless, it's amusing. Currently listening to Lime and Violet and it's kinda interesting. They have links to some cool sites on their blog which is how I found my current project. I am working on a pair of socks. I started them over and found a reasonably simple pattern on magknits. I'll take pics when I have more than three rows done.
Went window shopping today and picked out my new hydration pack. Sticking with the camelbak. I knew I would. I am such a consumer, I always go for the known label. The REI brand is not much cheaper so it's not that big a deal, and I actually do prefer the color (cherry red) and the style of the camelbak. It has the same number of pockets but the bladder goes into a separate back pouch whereas in the REI unit, it goes into a pocket in the main pouch. I want it in a separate insulated pouch, ya know? Cold water should stay relatively cold for summer hiking.
I am so looking forward to the hike and the beach camping. I wanna find some info on what I should take with me. Really I just want to go shopping :-)
Thursday, June 29, 2006
a new day, maybe new habits?
Today I got up late, did my reports, emailed them (actually it) out and left to visit my stores. A very productive day. I also found my missing reimbursement check. It was at one of the stores. I had totally forgotten that they sometimes sent them there. L could not be expected to send me a note saying I had a check there. That would be too much. Anyway, I think I need to start on one of my projects tonight. I don't know which. I just need to start something. Maybe I will work on the sweater. It's been a while since I worked on that one.
This last month has been pretty good. I have been hiking almost every weekend. It's been great. I love the walking. I am almost tempted to hike alone, but that seems foolish. Maybe I can get the kids to go with me.
Next week we are going camping on the beach. I am so looking forward to this. I loved it last time. I need to plan what I am going to take.
This last month has been pretty good. I have been hiking almost every weekend. It's been great. I love the walking. I am almost tempted to hike alone, but that seems foolish. Maybe I can get the kids to go with me.
Next week we are going camping on the beach. I am so looking forward to this. I loved it last time. I need to plan what I am going to take.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
I'm going hiking, I'm going hiking!!!!
Well, I fell like part of a group now. I am officially signed up for the 2006 Estrogen Event. Kelley and some of her friends of long standing go hiking every year and this year I have been invited! Nice. I can't wait. Now I have to build up my hiking chops and make sure my lungs are ready. this means walking everyday and hiking every week. Lovin' this idea. Tomorrow I have an appointment with the allergist for another flonase Rx. I will also mention that the maxair inhailer is not particularly effective. Or it doesn't seem to be. I am sooooo excited!!!!!!
Sunday, June 18, 2006
pedometers are the pits!!!
Okay, I am now wondering if my pedometer is wrong. I have been up and down the stairs 4 times (okay, 3) and I know I have taken more than 18 steps!!!!!!
Anyway, yesterday Imani, the kids and I went walking along a very short stretch of the AT. We started at the Washington Monument

and walked until we were tired. Rather, until Imani sat down and decreed it was time to go back.

It was a beautiful day, albeit a little on the hot side. We intended to leave early, but one thing led to another and we ended up leaving very late. 3 hours later than intended to be exact. The drive up was lovely. The kids were cool. Tendai was very excited about the concert she saw thursday and told me a little about it. Aparently she had a great time and I missed quite a show. Well, she promised me family values tour in September and that should be quite fun too.
I wish they lived closer, then we could hang out more. But I'll take what I can get.
Anyway, yesterday Imani, the kids and I went walking along a very short stretch of the AT. We started at the Washington Monument

and walked until we were tired. Rather, until Imani sat down and decreed it was time to go back.

It was a beautiful day, albeit a little on the hot side. We intended to leave early, but one thing led to another and we ended up leaving very late. 3 hours later than intended to be exact. The drive up was lovely. The kids were cool. Tendai was very excited about the concert she saw thursday and told me a little about it. Aparently she had a great time and I missed quite a show. Well, she promised me family values tour in September and that should be quite fun too.
I wish they lived closer, then we could hang out more. But I'll take what I can get.
Friday, June 16, 2006
everything old is new again.....
Okay, I chose another template for my blog and after much debate, I am back to the old one. It's almost amusing. All that inner debate and playing with it. Oh, well. I am off to work. Enough play time. Today I need to get quite a bit of work done and make sure my reports go out on time. I also need to make sure I start my new project. I think the socks are going to become plain, instead of cabled. The big cable sweater is wearing me out. I yearn for the simple, meaning just a plain old boring stockinette stitch. The shawl is no better, all that counting. I just bought this lovely blue tape yarn. I kinda like it. I don't think I like the sweater I bought it for. Too boring. I'll play with it and see what I come up with.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
something new today
Today I went hiking with K. We went further than before and I feel great! I wish I had taken my camera so I would have pictures. I bought new boots and they felt very comfy in honor of the occassion and I totally don't regret it. We were hiking along the canal on something called the Billy Goat Trail. There were rocks to climb, trees to dodge and it was totally cool. Next time I need to make sure I have a light shirt with long sleves. something that buttons down the front. K suggested I go to some travel site that I have already forgotten the name of to get one. I'll look around. I'm kinda tired now so I think it's time to stop and go to bed. I think I'm going to see if I can get I to go hiking next week. Maybe we can hit part of the appalacian trail.
Friday, June 09, 2006
how the heck did I end up volunteering to pick up my sister from the airport? this is going to be a long night. i hope my brother in law feeds the kids before he drops them off. i am going to be stuck in traffic for hours.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
mental wanderings
the other day i was sitting in my sister's living room knitting my big triangular thingy, when we started talking about knitting. i had dragged her and other fam mems to the sheep and wool festival a few weeks ago, where they were stunned by the plethora of colors, varieties of yarn, things you could do with it and the prices. i managed to make it out of the festival without making a single purchase, thanks in large part to my mothers presence. it kinda sqelches the urge to spend. i then began talking about my current project and the various yarn shops i frequent. one of the ways i decided to make the traveling i do more bearable was to frequent yarn shops. i regularly travel to philly, pitsburgh, louisville, dublin/columbus, boston, princeton and baltimore. i try to visit one yarn shop each time i visit any of these places. i haven't really been to to many stores in the philly area, but i have found some great and not so great stores in the other areas. there is one shop in partuclar that i go to here at home, but only because it's close. the yarn variety leans strongly towards the expensive, and the quantities are sometimes limited. the service is good, the sales people and owner knowlegeble. but i much prefer springwater fibers. they have a nice selection and a good quantity of inexpensive, but really nice yarn. i have fallen in love with felting and they have a great selection of yarns for felting. i really have a problem with taking $40 worth of yarn and shrinking it. i would much rather use like $20 worth. and it's not the price, it's the little teeny skeins that you have to buy so many of. and the price of all of those little teeny skeins. that's why i like springwater. they also have a great collection of books. a lot of stores have very few books, these guys have what amounts to a reading roomful of books. the only other store i have been in that compares is a shop in boston, whose name escapes me. they had two good size bookcases with one copy of each book they carried. you would take your book selection to the counter and they would go in the back and get you a purchasable copy, and return the store copy to the shelves. very nice. and great yarn too!
enough for now. must go running.
enough for now. must go running.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
new projects, oh boy!
Okay, I am now totally nuts. I have 6 projects going at the same time.
shawls no.1 (big triangular thingy) & 2 (big circular thingy, that I don't really have a pattern for)
sweater i have been working on for too long.
gloves pictured in previous post.

new sweater for lisa, just about to start.

socks for me.

lisa's sweater has to be done by the 1st of july so she can wear it in new orleans on our vacation. i think she will like it. the shawls, who knows when they will be done. the poor socks are in the same boat. i would love to have the triagular shawl done by the trip, but it may not happen. the sweater......well, i started it 3 years ago, frogged it 3 times and now am starting the front portion for the 2nd time. it can wait until it's cooler so i will take my time with that one.
on the health front, no weight loss but i did eat better today. i think instead of trying to eat so many of so many things, i will supplement everything with kagome juice. i love kagome and it comes in soooo many healthy and yummy flavors. plus there is a dollar off coupon in the mango sprouts book so i won't feel quite so guilty about buying it so often. anyway, off to knit!
shawls no.1 (big triangular thingy) & 2 (big circular thingy, that I don't really have a pattern for)

sweater i have been working on for too long.
gloves pictured in previous post.

new sweater for lisa, just about to start.

socks for me.

lisa's sweater has to be done by the 1st of july so she can wear it in new orleans on our vacation. i think she will like it. the shawls, who knows when they will be done. the poor socks are in the same boat. i would love to have the triagular shawl done by the trip, but it may not happen. the sweater......well, i started it 3 years ago, frogged it 3 times and now am starting the front portion for the 2nd time. it can wait until it's cooler so i will take my time with that one.
on the health front, no weight loss but i did eat better today. i think instead of trying to eat so many of so many things, i will supplement everything with kagome juice. i love kagome and it comes in soooo many healthy and yummy flavors. plus there is a dollar off coupon in the mango sprouts book so i won't feel quite so guilty about buying it so often. anyway, off to knit!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
I should be sleeping.....
instead i am sitting here downloading (or maybe uploading is the more appropriate term)pictures to the internet. I am very happy to find that my 4 rolls of film have not been lost and did arrive at snapfish. they have been developed and are winging their way home. now i can send the next 4 rolls. i was suprised to see what they were. i didn't remember some of them. imagine my happiness to see a picture of aunt k. she was laughing, as usual. she was such a beautiful spirit. i think dad's death made her death easier to bear. it helped that i said good bye to her so much earlier. i miss her still. dad i will always miss. the anniversary was friday. i don't remember if i thought of him. i think he was helping the plane though. i really appreciate it. love you dad! miss you always.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
my co-workers suck!
Okay, I plan this trip to take teamleaders from the different stores up to the bakehouse in boston. now at the last minute, most of them drop out. how sucky is that!!!??? some of them didn't even tell me, i found out when I called them. what a bunch of losers.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Okay, I just ate an entire pack of Aunt Gussies chocolate chip cookies. Now, the only thing that is not so bad about that is the cookies were sugar free spelt cookies. But that was the only good thing.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
what am i knitting now??????

I have no idea what my next project should be, or what I should finish next. I really think I need to go to work now.
I am going to try to go to the snb tonight. I haven't been in sooooo looooong. I need the company of fellow knitters.
Imani's hat recieved such rave reviews. Her co-workers think she needs a bag to go with the hat. Not a bad idea! I am working on the gloves now. I know, it's warm out and the last thing one thinks of is wool, but I like them and their irregular pattern. It was the tail end of the yarn. I want my next new project to be a shawl. I am working on one now, but I don't like the color. I think I will like it when it is done. If not, I'll give it away.

I am also really happy that Lisa came by last weekend. She really helped me tidy up and now may apartment is visitor ready. It's also tenant ready. It's so comfortable to come home to a place where they is so much less clutter. I love it. It makes me want to get rid of stuff and tidy more! I still have loads of stuff to do, but at least the space is cleaner than it was. I can actually sit on my sofa now. My papasan chair is clear and has been that way for a whole 5 days now. Just one book on it. Have to move that asap!
The cat seems happy too!
Saturday, April 15, 2006
tax day, ewwwwww
I am on the internet, listening to a knitting podcast, watching tv with the sound off, and knitting all at the same time in an attempt to avoid doing my taxes. I have to do federal, mass non-resident and dc. Why do you have to have mass taxes taken if you don't live there and barely work there?????????
Anyway, I have discovered the joy of toe-up socks!! Now, this is not the toe-up found in slang, meaning extremely drunk or wasted. This refers to socks knitted from the toes up! At last I can try on socks while knitting without thinking boy, am I stretching the ribbing on so and so's socks.
I am also very happy to say I am 3lbs lighter!!! Regular meals and lots of water.
Anyway, I have discovered the joy of toe-up socks!! Now, this is not the toe-up found in slang, meaning extremely drunk or wasted. This refers to socks knitted from the toes up! At last I can try on socks while knitting without thinking boy, am I stretching the ribbing on so and so's socks.
I am also very happy to say I am 3lbs lighter!!! Regular meals and lots of water.
Monday, April 10, 2006
mmmmmmmmmmm............snackin' after midnight...
Just made the yummiest snack. It's like, 2:50 and I am still up. I need to be sleeping, but I can't. I am hungry and that I can fix. I was sitting here thinking I had nothing to eat in the house, when I spied the tiny bag of dried tortelini, a small cup of sundried tomatoes, onions, garlic and clarified butter. Instant snack! I cooked the pasta and dumped in a couple tomatoes to rehydrate/soften. I heated the butter and slowly browned the garlic and onions (both thinly sliced). I tossed in the drained rehydrated tomatoes for a couple of minutes. Drained the pasta, dumped it in a bowl, tossed it with the butter mix and some s & p. Yum. Now if only I could go to sleep...........
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Beautiful day

It's a beautiful day and I spent all of it inside. Well, I was sleeping for most of the day, which I think I needed to do. I haven't been sleeping well this week, due to a killer travel schedule. My plan is to spend a few hours this evening re-writting my schedule so I have a much lighter travel load for the rest of the month. The flight back from Louisville was awful. First there was the "everybody take shelter" announcement, followed by the "you can come out now, but be prepared to go back" announcement (there were 3 tornado cells in the area). This was followed by a very bumpy take-off, a scarily bumpy flight and an equally bumpy landing.
I had the niece and nephew this weekend. I had a disagreement with the niece. I spent several hours childishly not speaking with her. She has her moments when she is a real pain in the ass. Usually she is cool around me, but this weekend................... I guess it's part of being 14. Very glad to have the house to myself once more.
A little cleaning, a little knitting, a little meditation and maybe some yoga.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
a rainy day in ky
Well, it's drizzling here in louisville. I am exhausted. I couldn't get to sleep last night, too much on my mind. I need a nap now, but I just can't get myself to go to bed. I have no cash, and I want to go to the yarn shop. Having no cash is not a bad thing. My stash is way too big, and since I started knitting again, shopping has become an obsession. I have more yarn than I do projects and that ain't good. The stuff is just sitting around my house, attracting and collecting dust, which just aggravates my allergies. Somethings gotta go. I think I have hit the wall. Nap Time!!!
Sunday, April 02, 2006
ooooh, cake!
Today I made a cake for big sisters birthday. Well, actually I made two cakes, over the course of 48 hours. I made a strawberry and cream cake with vanilla whipped cream and strawberries macerated in Gran Marnier in the filling and chocolate dipped berries on the top. I also made a cake with two layers of Daquoise sandwiching a marnier syrup spiked genoise, all covered with a marnier spiked buttercream. It was delicious. Everyone loved both cakes. I especially loved the buttercream. It came out the way a buttercream should, like pure velvet with a light creamy buttery flavor. Much better than the recipe I have used at work.
This was the first time in a while I felt compelled to make a cake, let alone one so ambitious. It felt good, really good to make it and see the response from the group. I think I miss that connection with my 'customers', so to speak. It's what I really enjoyed about catering. Seeing that response to what you do, is food for the soul. Maybe that's what has been missing about this job. I make nothing with my own hands and I don't get that immediate feedback. It's not mine, so there is no connnection to the product. I need to get back into the kitchen, it's what I enjoy.
This was the first time in a while I felt compelled to make a cake, let alone one so ambitious. It felt good, really good to make it and see the response from the group. I think I miss that connection with my 'customers', so to speak. It's what I really enjoyed about catering. Seeing that response to what you do, is food for the soul. Maybe that's what has been missing about this job. I make nothing with my own hands and I don't get that immediate feedback. It's not mine, so there is no connnection to the product. I need to get back into the kitchen, it's what I enjoy.
Friday, March 31, 2006
knitty bag

well, i finished my knitty french market bag. it took a while, longer than i expected. but i love the yarn, the way it feels, the way it felted. i think i have a new favorite. here are before and after pics.
i also made a hat from the same yarn. it felts well and the colors stayed cool. it's the brown sheep lambs pride. gotta remember to use that more. for now i am on a mission. my mission is to deplete my yarn stash. i am not to lpurchase another skein of yarn until all of the yarn i currently have can fit into the plastic tub i bought to hold yarn.
as a part of this pledge i will use the last 8 skeins of yarn i purchased 4 days ago (damn, slipped up already) and make socks, and a summer sweater. i should be finished the sweater by, um, september :-)
Monday, January 23, 2006
it's monday and all is right with the world
well, i had the kids for about 3 hours on saturday. i stayed with them for a while before their father came home. i wasn't there when he arrived, but i think they were fine. it bothers me to leave them alone like that. piwa doesn't like to be alone and i am not sure ten does either, but that is what their parents do.
i finished my socks. totally forgot to take pictures. oh, well. now i am back at work on the little general's hat. i hope this one turns out better than the last.
i have set a goal to cut out the red meat and to increase the veggies. today i did okay. had squash for breakfast and mashed taters for lunch. salmon for lunch as well and shrimp salad on ww for dinner. grains grains grains. now i will get another glass of water which will take me up to, hmmmmm, i think i am up to 6 cups. quite an improvement.
i finished my socks. totally forgot to take pictures. oh, well. now i am back at work on the little general's hat. i hope this one turns out better than the last.
i have set a goal to cut out the red meat and to increase the veggies. today i did okay. had squash for breakfast and mashed taters for lunch. salmon for lunch as well and shrimp salad on ww for dinner. grains grains grains. now i will get another glass of water which will take me up to, hmmmmm, i think i am up to 6 cups. quite an improvement.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
well, the store is open
I was totally exhausted, but after 14 hours of sleep I feel much better. Now I have to write an opening report.
I played hookey today and went to Dave and Busters with a friend. We had a blast. I ended up with a cup full of tickets for my troubles. Great fun!
Now I am happily finishing Lisa's socks. I think she will be very suprised. Pics to follow!
I played hookey today and went to Dave and Busters with a friend. We had a blast. I ended up with a cup full of tickets for my troubles. Great fun!
Now I am happily finishing Lisa's socks. I think she will be very suprised. Pics to follow!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
another day
another day spent at the new store. I like it. I enjoyed talking to the team and sharing my knowlege. It was rather irritating that only a portion of the group was there yesterday, so todays talk had to provide info and still be interesting to those who heard it yesterday.
I didn't have to spend much time with the annoying folk (a major blessing), and I got to spend plenty of time with the fun folk.
I'll miss working with the regional merchandiser. He is such cool people. I will get to see him in his new position in the b'more store.
I did spend a good part of the day snacking. I feel soooo incredbly fat.
I didn't have to spend much time with the annoying folk (a major blessing), and I got to spend plenty of time with the fun folk.
I'll miss working with the regional merchandiser. He is such cool people. I will get to see him in his new position in the b'more store.
I did spend a good part of the day snacking. I feel soooo incredbly fat.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
old town
today i spent my time assisting with the opening of a new store for the company. my bread presentation was very well recieved. i think visual aids would be great next time. they said i gave a lot of info. i tried. i think it went well. i encouraged questions and they asked them, lots of them. i loved it.
i also discovered that someone i consider a sort of friend is having a baby. yea!!!!! i get to knit baby stuff! wheeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
i also discovered that someone i consider a sort of friend is having a baby. yea!!!!! i get to knit baby stuff! wheeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
day 3
Just returned from Louisville. What a marvelous trip. I had a really relaxing and delicious meal at Ramsi's after a very long flight. I found another yarn shop as well. Bought some Moro yarn (didn't know it was made in Japan, cool) in a lovely shade of blue/purple/red. It's self striping. I also bought some size 7 dp needles for my sock project. I think all, or most, of my stash is going into socks. Very short socks :-)
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
just playin around

okay, it's 6:30am and I have been up for almost 24 hours. I have a plane to catch in 4. I have work to do that is not complete.
i'm watching tv and washing dishes and packing for my trip. i'll be gone for only 36 hrs, so this time i am taking a very small bag. i always pack too much. i take huge suitcases for 3 day trips, and then shop till i drop, not from the shopping but from carrying the suitcase.
i do plan to hit a few yarn shops in looahville, but i will try to keep yarn spending to a minimum. unless there is a sale. in that case all bets are off. the yarn stash will just have to grow.
i'm also planning to run while there. i missed running this morning, although i was up early enough to do it. i need to get back into it. i enjoy it. it brings me peace.
well, packing needs finishing, and there's a fire on walker texas ranger. think it's time to say ciao!
my first post!
Well, here it is. My first post. We will see how long this lasts, mwahahahahaha!!!!!!
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